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IRB Forms and Templates

Consent Templates

TitleDescription Last Updated
Informed Consent Form
August 2024
Parental Permission Consent FormAugust 2024
Informed Consent with HIPAAAugust 2024
Parental Permission Consent to Your Child’s Participation in Research and Authorization to Collect, Use, and Share Your Child’s Health InformationAugust 2024
Child Assent (Verbal ages 0-6)
Use this Form to Record Child AssentAugust 2022
Child Assent (Written ages 7-17)Use this Form to Record Child AssentAugust 2022
Research Information SheetUse this information sheet for exempt studies. The IRB can still require full consent if necessary.July 2024

Screening Consent Scripts

Title DescriptionLast Updated
Screening (Treatment) Consent ScriptTo assist potential participants understand the screening procedures and decide if they want to participate in the screening process. This form should focus on the screening process and not the main study but should include a brief summary of the main to study to explain why the screening is being done.July 2024
Screening (Non-Treatment) Consent ScriptTo assist potential participants understand the screening procedures and decide if they want to participate in the screening process. This form should focus on the screening process and not the main study but should include a brief summary of the main to study to explain why the screening is being done.July 2024

Recruitment Templates

Title DescriptionLast Updated
TCU Email TemplateUse this Template for Creating Recruitment emailsJuly 2024
TCU Flier TemplateUse this Template to create your Recruitment Flyer
TCU Recruitment TemplateUse this Template to Create a Recruitment Advertisement
Sona Advertisement FormYou must include this form with your protocol if you plan to use SONA for recruitmentOctober 2022

Other Essential Forms and Templates

Title DescriptionLast Updated
TCU Debriefing Form TemplateJuly 2024
Criteria for Approval, ChecklistCriteria for Approval
TCU IRB Translation Certification Form TCU IRB Translation Certification FormDecember 2021
All Legacy Forms Description: amendment/modification form, protocol review request form, protocol chart review request form, Project closure and final report form