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Animal Welfare

OLAW Assurance and Federal Regulations Governing Animal Research

TCU holds a Certificate of Assurance with OLAW and is a research facility registered with the USDA APHIS.

Researchers are encouraged to visit OLAW and USDA website for complete regulations and other information.

Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns

Texas Christian University (“TCU”) is committed to the humane and responsible treatment of all animals being used for research, testing or education. All laboratory animals receive proper care and are used humanely in accordance with Public Health Services Policy, the Animal Welfare Act and TCU’s animal care and use committee Policies and Procedures.

All persons involved with the use of animals in research at TCU must know how to report concerns with animal care and use. There are no restrictions on who may report an alleged incident. Under no circumstances will reporting such incidences in good faith be detrimental to an individual’s standing within TCU. No person will be discriminated against or subject to any reprisal for reporting a concern or violation of any animal care and use regulation or standard. Concerns may be communicated by telephone, in writing, in person, or through the internet. The person may remain anonymous.

The IACUC is required by law to investigate reports of suspected animal abuse or mistreatment. If you observe or suspect animal abuse, mistreatment, or non-compliance with federal, state or local regulations or non-compliance with an approved protocol, please report the incident. The IACUC will investigate and evaluate concerns. All of the information obtained from individual reporting, as well as information obtained during investigation, will be maintained confidentially.

Any person who witnesses or suspects misuse of animals or other noncompliance associated with the Animal Care and Use Program at TCU is strongly encouraged to report his/her concerns to the IACUC at or by using the independent Ethics and Compliance Hotline at 1-877-888-0002.